July 2024 edition of the Undercurrents newsletter is published.

Link to your July 2024 Undercurrents newsletter

In this month’s edition:

  • Safety Bite – Broken Fin or Dive Mask Strap
  • Update on Dive Trip Plans
  • Club Pig Roast date and location set

Link to the Index to previous Undercurrents newsletter

Enjoy this month’s newsletter.

Check out the Club upcoming calendar either at the end of the Undercurrents or online at Club Calendar | Bluegrass Dive Club.

Next Club Meeting is Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Our next meeting is on Tuesday, 7/9/2024. This is an in-person club meeting. Zoom will be available for those joining us from afar. Social time begins at 7:00PM EDT and the meeting begins at 7:30PM EDT.

Program: Bahamas Aggressor, Tiger Beach

Meetings are In-Person on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at Roosters Restaurant at 2640 Richmond Rd. in Lexington, Kentucky.

Click below for ZOOM info :

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 882 1355 9721
Passcode: 790610

One tap mobile
+13017158592,,88213559721#,,,,*790610# US 

Dial by your location
+1 301 715 8592 US
Meeting ID: 882 1355 9721
Passcode: 790610

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