BGDC Christmas Party

Bluegrass Dive Club Members
and Invited Guests Only – Please

Pot Luck at the home of:
Mark & Stella Kidd
991 Lakeland Drive
Lexington, KY 40502
(859) 255-8088
Sunday, December 15, 2019

6:30 PM


Need Directions?

Google Maps

 Club provides Ham, Rolls, Soft Drinks  anything else BYOB
Bring a dish to share with 10-12 people

All current dues paid BGDC members and their guest are invited to come to the Bluegrass Dive Club Derby Party

What to bring: Yourself & Spouse/Date/Significant Other/etc. . .

Dish of choice to serve approximately 10 people
Money to place a derby pool wager
A snack, finger food, munchies, desert, etc.
BYOB (OR 6-PACK) if you want liquor 

Club will provide:
Ham & buns
Chips & Condiments
Soft drinks

Cost:  No Charge

RSVP here: