What: Fun Dive and Dominica Prep Outing
Air and Weights provided. Rental Gear available.
Event Leader: Bart Bertetto, Club Safety Information Director

Cost: $50 Each Person, payable to the Louisville Dive Center

When: Thursday, February 20, 2025, Pool open 11:30AM – 1:30PM, plan to meet at 11:00AM.
Followed by Lunch in Louisville (optional and at your own expense).

Please email or text your participation to Bart Bertetto at: amx1bdb10@gmail.com or 502-299-3656.
Please use the link below to read about the Dive Center’s Scuba Lunch Break program, register for it and pay.
Info and Online Registration and Payment link: Scuba Lunch Break
Those wishing to carpool from Lexington, plan on an 9:30am departure.

What: Fun Dive and Dominica Prep Outing
Air and Weights provided. Rental Gear available.
Event Leader: Bart Bertetto, Club Safety Information Director

Cost: $75 Each Person, payable to the Louisville Dive Center

Where: Louisville Dive Center (New 35 Foot Pool)
1303 Durrett Ln, Louisville, KY. Close to Louisville International Airport.

When: Saturday February 15, 2025, 11:00am – 2:00pm
Followed by Lunch in Louisville (optional and at your own expense).

Please email or text your participation to Bart Bertetto at: amx1bdb10@gmail.com or 502-299-3656.
Bart will advise of the advanced online signup information that is required.
Those wishing to carpool from Lexington, plan on an 8:30am departure.

2023 Edition – Club Derby Party

All current dues paid BGDC members and their guest are invited to come to the Bluegrass Dive Club Derby Party.  You can pay your dues online now!

Saturday, May 6, 2023 from 3:00PM to 7:00PM EDT
at the home of
Sherry McCann
3557 Gloucester Dr.
Lexington, KY

What to bring: Yourself & Spouse/Date/Significant Other/etc. . .
The McCann’s heated swimming pool will reportedly be open.  Bring your swimming attire if you’re feeling froggy!

Dish of choice to serve approximately 10 people
Money to place a derby pool wager
A snack, finger food, munchies, desert, etc. (something to compliment the smoked BBQ pulled pork)
BYOB (OR 6-PACK) if you want liquor 

Club will provide:
Smoked BBQ pulled pork
Chips & Condiments
Soft drinks

Cost:  No Charge

*** Please RSVP by leaving a comment on this post with your name and number in your party. Be sure to click Post Comment. ***

What:  The Bluegrass Dive Club annual Pig Roast.  2022 Edition.
Extra attraction:  Charlie Denham’s dive equipment yard sale.

When:  Saturday, July 9, 2022 beginning at 4:00PM EDT
NO RAIN DATE.  If weather threatens we will move into the garage.

Where: The home of Charlie Denham
1695 Adios Dr.
Lexington, KY 40511
Spindletop Estates
Google Maps Link:  https://goo.gl/maps/odkhRHU2yRAHRyTK7
The last shindig at the Denham home before Charlie puts the property up for sale.  Charlie is downsizing and staying in the Lexington, KY area.

Who:  Current dues paid club members and their guest.
You may pay your dues at the event.
2022 dues are $10.00; this year only for all membership types.

What To Bring:
– Club is providing The Pig (BBQ from Sonny’s BBQ), sodas and water.
– Please bring a dish to share.  Either an appetizer, side dish, or dessert.  Plan for 12 servings.
– You may bring your own beverage.

*** Please RSVP by leaving a comment on this post with your name and number in your party.  Be sure to click Post Comment. ***

The 2022 edition of the Bluegrass Dive Club Kentucky Derby party is looking for a new host this year.  The past several years have been hosted by Alex Fassas at their home; but with scheduled renovations they will be unable to host in 2022.

The Derby party would be on Saturday, May 7th, 2022 from approximately 4:00PM EDT until after the Derby race 12, post time 6:57PM.  Guests will bring appetizers and snacks to share.  Non-alcoholic beverages provided by the club, guests are welcome to bring their own beverages as well.

Host should have television space for viewing the race by the guests.

Please reach out to Alex Fassas, club Webmaster if you would like to host or need more details about hosting via Contact Us | Bluegrass Dive Club, or email to webmaster@bluegrassdiveclub.com, or call at (859) 582-1600.

Don’t ask what this can club do for you, but what can you do for your Club.  If we have No Host, we have No Club Derby party.  


The Bluegrass Dive Club’s annual Pig Roast, which was scheduled for Saturday, 9/11/2021 has been postponed.  This decision was made by our host, Mike and Sherry McCann, out of an abundance of caution due to the resurgence of the COVID-19 and its Delta variant infection rate.

If the current public health crisis passes, the Pig Roast may be held later this year, but after the swimming pool season has closed.