Your club needs you to volunteer!

The BGDC Board has approved a nominating slate of officers for the 2023 elections. But it is missing something … YOU!!

If you want your club to travel more, meet more, do more for you and your diving community, then your club needs you NOW!!

Nominations for ALL positions can be made from the floor at the elections meeting on November 8, 2022.

We have 3 vacant positions for 2023 and existing officers who would consider a move in position to make room for some new ideas and energy.

Officer Position Nominee
President John Geddes
Vice President Kris Harn
Secretary vacant
Treasurer Dan Miller
Trip Director Leigh Ann Bowe-Geddes
Newsletter Editor vacant
Safety Information Director vacant
Webmaster Alex Fassas
Approved – 2023 Officers Nominations Slate

Longtime friend and member of the Bluegrass Dive Club, Michael J. McCann passed away October 20, 2022. Michael brought the BGDC forward in its journey to more effectively communicate with its members and the dive community with the creation and introduction of the club’s website, online and email group email communication, and with online club trip registrations and membership. These are but some of the club centered accomplishments. Michael and Sherry were active in the club, its activities, fellowship, and its travel.

Michael’s family shared the following:
Friends and family: our beloved patriarch and my amazing father Michael J McCann passed away this morning peacefully after a short battle with lung cancer which had spread to his brain. We became aware of the tumors last Friday and were in shock as the day before he had been with his doctor and had been declared cancer free. He spent the last few days surrounded by his loving wife SherryJones McCann and his children and grand children.

Continue reading “Michael J. McCann passed away October 20, 2022”

Club Meeting Details

Join us for an in person club meeting and program.  Meeting is Tuesday, 10/11/2022.  Social time starts at 7:00PM, Business meeting and program at 7:30PM EDT.  We will also include a ZOOM meeting for those not able to be with us in person.  Meetings are open to members and non-members.

In Person Meeting location details:
Roosters (formerly the Chop House)
2640 Richmond Rd.  [there are 3 Roosters locations in Lexington, this is the former Chop House restaurant location]
Lexington, KY 40509
– We will meet in their back event room.
– There will be snacks provided at the meeting.
– Full food and beverage service is available.
– Come early and have supper.

Program: Diver Hand Signals
Our program will be presented by Bart Bertetto, Club Safety Information Officer.  A review of information that we already know is never a bad idea.  We are betting that when it comes to Diver Hand Signals, you will know some of them, have forgotten some, and will learn a few new ones.  Come prepared to share your own special or unique hand signals.

Continue reading “10/11/2022 Club Meeting (In Person) – Program: Diver Hand Signals by Bart Bertetto”

The Trip Leader is: Alex Fassas and can be reached by telephone or text to (859) 582-1600, email to or using the Contact Us and selecting Webmaster as your message recipient.
Any questions regarding this trip should be directed to the Trip Leader.

EFFECTIVE August 24, 2022: All restrictions for travel in to the Cayman Islands have been lifted. We look forward to welcoming all visitors back to Cayman–regardless of vaccination status.
Cayman Islands Travel Requirements (

There may still be room for YOU on this trip.
Trip registration is still open.
Room space is not guaranteed, please verify that we have the requested room available before booking airfare.

Trip details are here: 
Trip page: Compass Point, Grand Cayman club dive trip – 11/12 to 11/19/2022 | Bluegrass Dive Club
Compass Point website:
Home (

Club Meeting Details

Join us for an in person club meeting and program.  Meeting is Tuesday, 8/9/2022.  Social time starts at 7:00PM, Business meeting and program at 7:30PM EDT.  We will also include a ZOOM meeting for those not able to be with us in person.  Meetings are open to members and non-members.

In Person Meeting location details:
Roosters (formerly the Chop House)
2640 Richmond Rd.  [there are 3 Roosters locations in Lexington, this is the former Chop House restaurant location]
Lexington, KY 40509
– We will meet in their back event room.
– There will be snacks provided at the meeting.
– Full food and beverage service is available.
– Come early and have supper.

Program: History of the Bluegrass Dive Club
Our program for the meeting will be a trip down memory lane, guided by Billy Forbess, a founding club member, on the history of our Bluegrass Dive Club.  For those that know Billy, you know that time in his company and stories will be entertaining.  For those that don’t, here is your chance to be a part of an evening to remember.  Celebrating 50+ years of supporting the love of diving with the Bluegrass Dive Club.

Continue reading “8/9/2022 Club Meeting (In Person) – Program: History of the Bluegrass Dive Club shared by Billy Forbess, a founding club member; Also an update on the 11/12-19/2022 Grand Cayman dive trip”

Join us as we return to in person club meetings and program.  Meeting is Tuesday, 6/14/2022.  Social time starts at 7:00PM, Business meeting and program at 7:30PM EDT.  We will also include a ZOOM meeting for those not able to be with us in person.  Meetings are open to members and non-members.

In Person Meeting location details:
Roosters (formerly the Chop House)
2640 Richmond Rd.
Lexington, KY 40509
– We will meet in their back event room.
– There will be snacks provided at the meeting.
– Full food and beverage service is available.
– Come early and have supper.

Our program for the meeting will be a presentation by Beth VanPelt, Store Manager of Diventure Dive Center, in Lexington, KY.  She will share what Diventures and our local dive center have going on.  Come feel the excitement for what is planned for the Lexington diver community.

Continue reading “6/14/2022 Club Meeting (In Person) – Program: Beth VanPelt, Diventure Dive Center”

Helen Denham, longtime club member passed from this life peacefully and suddenly, on Monday, 4/18/2022.

Services will be held for Helen Denham on Friday April 22 at Hall-Taylor Funeral home in Shelbyville, Ky Visitation is from 10;00 until 1:45. there will be a brief service at 2:00 and internment will follow in the Pleasureville Cemetery. Friends are asked to make a donation to the Salvation Army in lieu of flowers.

The 2022 edition of the Bluegrass Dive Club Kentucky Derby party is looking for a new host this year.  The past several years have been hosted by Alex Fassas at their home; but with scheduled renovations they will be unable to host in 2022.

The Derby party would be on Saturday, May 7th, 2022 from approximately 4:00PM EDT until after the Derby race 12, post time 6:57PM.  Guests will bring appetizers and snacks to share.  Non-alcoholic beverages provided by the club, guests are welcome to bring their own beverages as well.

Host should have television space for viewing the race by the guests.

Please reach out to Alex Fassas, club Webmaster if you would like to host or need more details about hosting via Contact Us | Bluegrass Dive Club, or email to, or call at (859) 582-1600.

Don’t ask what this can club do for you, but what can you do for your Club.  If we have No Host, we have No Club Derby party.  


Join us via Zoom for our meeting and program.  Meeting is Tuesday, 4/12/2022 via ZOOM only.  Social time starts at 7:00PM, Business meeting and program at 7:30PM EDT.  Bring your own snacks and beverage.

We are hoping to have a program for our meeting on 4/12/2022 from Beth VanPelt, Store Manager of New Horizons/Diventure Dive Center, in Lexington, KY.  She will share what Diventures and our local dive center have going on.  

If our program from New Horizons/Diventure does not materialize our backup program is a professionally produced video of SCUBA Diving the Egypt Red Sea.

We are looking for suggestions for a location to host in-person club meetings in the future.  Host venue would need to be open until 9:00PM.  Beverages and some food would be a plus.  Send suggestions to Kris Harn, club Vice President via our Contact Us | Bluegrass Dive Club, or email to, or call her at (859) 333-6911.

Continue reading “4/12/2022 Club Meeting Program: Beth VanPelt, New Horizons/Diventure Dive Center”

We are pleased to announce that our program for our meeting on 2/8/2022 is a Report on Grand Cayman Reopening from Tom Shropshire, Off The Wall Divers, based in Grand Cayman.  Many in the club know Tom because of his Kentucky roots.  Join us via Zoom for our first meeting and program of 2022.

Details and Zoom link for the meeting can be found at:
Social time starts at 7:00PM, Business meeting and program at 7:30PM EST.

Club members Rob Foster and Mellisa Hamilton are putting together a dive trip.  This is not a club trip, but still a great opportunity to get wet and enjoy the caribbean.

What: BVI Cuan Law liveaboard

Where: departs from Tortola, British Virgin Islands

When: December 11 – 18, 2021

Cost:  $3,195 per person, double occupancy; discounts and comps possible if enough people go

Here are the details that Rob Foster has asked that we share.
Rob said, “The boat wasn’t scheduled to run this week but we got them to agree to make it available if we could get 5 people to commit and pay the deposit.  So far, we have 4 people committed so we need at least one more but there should be plenty of room for more.  We can get a discount with 6 or more which would be split evenly among those going on the trip.  I put additional details below.”  Mellisa shared, “ If we can get 8 people, one can go free which they can apply as a discount for the entire group.”

Trip/Boat Details:

Payment link for deposit:

For further details contact Mellisa Hamilton via email at .


Webinar This Week: Returning To Diving

If you’ve been out of the water for a while, it’s important to set yourself up for a safe and successful return. Tune in this Thursday, May 20, at 7:00 p.m. ET for a webinar by DAN research director Frauke Tillmans, Ph.D. The presentation will cover health and fitness considerations, ensuring your equipment and dive skills are up to date, and getting ready for travel. We hope you’ll join us!


From the Divers Alert Network a live webinar event that will help keep divers returning to the water safer after a very long surface interval.

If you are not a DAN member, please consider it as a good investment in your own health and safety and continuing the legacy of training and equipping those that respond to dive accident emergencies.  Visit their website at

Updated with full obituary, 5/13/2021.

It is with great sadness that I share the passing from this life of Stella Kidd.  Club Mom to many of our club family members at one time or another.

Stella Keener Kidd, wife, mother, photographic artist, gardener, and humanitarian, passed away on Sunday, May 9, 2021 of cancer, in her home in Lexington, Kentucky. 

Visitation will be held in Lexington from 1pm-3:30pm Saturday, May 15, 2021 at Milward-Southland, 391 Southland Drive. The funeral service will be held afterward at 4pm.

In lieu of flowers, the family requests that donations be made to the charitable organization Stella founded and served for many years, Church Under The Bridge. Please mail checks to: Church Under The Bridge, PO Box 11805, Lexington, KY 40578.

The complete and updated obituary can be found at the link below.

Stella Keener Kidd – Obituary

April 2021 edition of the Undercurrents newsletter is available here.

In this months edition:

  • 2021 Calendar, aka Life As We Know It Today

  • May meeting Program on Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease by Tammi Warrender, Lead Coordinator SCTLD Response Project, Cayman Islands Dept. of Environment

  • ILADSFT – Experience & Risk

  • 7-14 August 2021, Belize Aggressor IV Trip is SOLD OUT, unless you are a lone male diver willing to share a cabin

  • Tips to be sure you are receiving Club emails and we encourage sharing

Index to previous Undercurrents newsletters is available here .

Our program at our virtual Club meeting on Tuesday, 3/23/21 at 7:30PM will be:

Update on The State of Dive Destinations & Operators

Presented by:  Ken Scarbrough, owner at Ultimate Dive Travel

Ken and UDT have over 25 years experience and are the worlds premier SCUBA dive travel agency.  Bluegrass Dive Club has been fortunate to have benefited from a long partnership with Ken and UDT, during which our club’s members have enjoyed many great travel destinations and some world class diving experiences.

As we pass the one year anniversary of the global pandemic, Ken has an update to share about the state of the dive industry, its destinations, and the people and facilities that make it all possible.  As many of us are chomping at the bit to travel again, this kind of update is needed.

Plan to join the presentation and Q&A during our meeting Tuesday evening, 3/23/2021.  The event details and Zoom link can be found here:

Introducing your Club’s newly elected officers

2021 Club Officers

President:  John Geddes
Vice President:  Kathryn Bowers
Secretary:  Kris Harn
Treasurer:  Dan Miller
Trip Director:  Leigh Ann Bowe-Geddes
Safety Information Director:  Bart Bertetto
Newsletter Editor:  Terri Anderson
Webmaster:  Alex Fassas